Otsego Academy, New York | ADMISSIONS | The full college experience for people with intellectual disabilities


Otsego Academy at Pathfinder Village continues a tradition of quality alternative education for students with varying abilities.  At Pathfinder Village we recognize that learning continues after high school and that young adults are more likely to engage in learning when activities are hands-on, individualized and meaningful.

With an emphasis on independent living, Otsego Academy facilitates learning tailored to those living away from home for the first time.

Schedule a tour today!

Eligibility Requirements

We invite applicants between the ages of 18 and 28 with a diagnosed intellectual disability who:

  • Have completed high school or the equivalent
  • Demonstrate math competency at the level of Grade 1 and English language arts competency at the level of Grade 2
  • Have an IQ> 50
  • Are able to self-manage medications with little support
  • Are motivated to work in a community setting upon program completion
  • Have an interest and desire to reside in a shared living environment with peers

For further information please email [email protected]

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