Council Rock
Council Rock is a self-advocacy group run by adult men and women who live at Pathfinder Village. Council Rock members meet on a monthly basis and discuss topics that are important to them including government policy, volunteerism, equal access, and choice to name a few. They develop and plan special events to help promote their mission to speak up for themselves and their friends. Many members volunteer their time to speak and provide tours for new employees or college students through on-site visits or community-wide events. Assisting with the employee hiring process and advocating for improvements to their homes or community-based services is also a focal point. Some of Council Rock’s most popular events include Open Coffee Hour, Ice Cream Socials, and larger events including our Voter Education Night which is partnered with the Otsego County Board of Elections. The Kennedy Willis Center serves an independent advisor for Council Rock members to provide technical assistance as needed.
Council Rock Motto: We speak up for ourselves and our friends.
To connect with Council Rock, please email us!
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